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This is a very real thing & happens all too often in the parenting space. WHY do we ignore the voices of those w lived experience? Why do we consistently elevate ppl w degrees and academic affiliations over those in the trenches? I'm not saying we should ignore those w degree & academic affiliations; I'm saying we should ALSO listen to those w lived experience:

"My first reaction was that women have been raising their voices about this for the last several years and now that a man in power speaks, everyone listens. As just one example, for the last two years, I’ve pitched articles about needing to address parental stress and anxiety as part of responding to youth mental health in this country, and all the news outlets passed. He’s saying what I’ve been saying! I do realize I am not the Surgeon General. However, I’m also not “just a mom complaining,” which is how it can feel. I’m an expert in the field – even more of an expert than the Surgeon General to speak on these issues.¹

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